Wednesday, June 12, 2019


The first Sunday we were here, we were taken to a church that meets at Christian Academy of Japan. While we enjoyed it, we felt it was too far away for us to attend regularly.

We heard about an English church close enough to walk to, and that was where we settled. MCC - Musashino Chapel Center.

The MCC church has parking available:

Hope Bible Church meets very close by, but it's all in Japanese (except this celebration party of theirs that we were blessed to be part of on Mother's Day. A fellow missionary translated for us. Normally, this church has 15-20 people attend, so you can see this was a BIG celebration, including some "seekers".)

Shrines are some of the biggest attractions in Japan. We pass several on our way to church each Sunday:

We are here to tell people - and help others who are telling people - about Jesus and the abundant life He gives. It's so sad to see people bow to idols made of stone and wood - with eyes that don't see; ears that don't hear; hands that can't reach out and help. I'm reminded of the story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel; the idol worshipers did all they could to "arouse" their gods, but to no avail. There is only ONE TRUE GOD!!

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