Friday, April 22, 2016

In Windy New Mexico

Indeed, the wind has stayed with us - all the warning signs and reports that go with it. We could be drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweed, but it goes across our path - not with us!

We spent the night in Holbrook at a Good Sam R.V. park. Had a great night and good start - about 2 miles. At Safeway Roger became aware of one tire that looked quite flat. We were able to get it fixed immediately in town - a real blessing! This was in the tire:

We left Holbrook and were amazed at the trains - many of them; all very long; with 6-8 engines on each one. Amazing what they pulled!

Once we were back on track, we went to the Petrified Forest National Park. Again we were blessed to be there the week that all national parks are free!! We drove through, stopping at various points.

From there we crossed the highway and went to the Painted Desert. God is awesome!

Here we sit at McDonalds, enjoying the internet and other goodies! Thanks to those of you - you know who you are!

We saw many sheep in CA; in AZ we had to slow down to wait for calves to move away from the road (in the National Park)!!


  1. I just got an E-mail from Moody, they are having a photo contest for next year's calendar. They want pictures of nature and I think the pictures you are putting up are really cool.

  2. What neat places to visit. We're glad to see you two having such a nice time on your trip so far.

  3. Am enjoying your trip! So many places that Jeannie and I traveled over the years of home ministry. Keep safe and happy. I, too, marvel at the great diversity and beauty that God has created. What a blessing to see it.
