Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday with friends

We were thrilled to worship with like-minded brothers and sisters here in Sky Valley, CA.

After church, Al & Brenda took us on a tour - first to the Cabot house. A visionary who turned the desert into a spa and museum by creatively collecting and reusing materials he salvaged from old houses and rails.

After lunch at a fish place in Palms Springs, we went to a genuine oasis. 1,000 trees in the middle of the desert!

And while we were out hiking, we saw 5 planes sky-writing for "Coachella 2016"! (Kick off...)

Roger and Al enjoyed a swim while Brenda and Heather visited. We plan to leave first thing tomorrow.


  1. Finally got caught up on your week of travels! I feel like I am seeing the country along with you! I pray I can do this someday as well! Safe traveling this week!

  2. I love seeing the updates! We have been and will be continuing to pray for safety, health for you two and Miss Winnie, and a time of refreshing and encouragement.

  3. It looks like you two are having a great time so far! We are glad to be able to follow along with your blog and see some of your adventures. Praying for you!
