Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rail Museum and more

Sue and Barry headed off to work; we did our laundry and headed off to the railroad museum. When we got there it was closed. But there were several volunteers working, and they let us in. Larry drove us around in his golf cart and we even got inside the train car that Presidents Wilson and Taft rode in! Adlai Stevenson used the car for his whistle stop ride in his bid for the presidency. For those of you who want more info about this:

When Barry & Sue got home, we enjoyed a crock pot dinner - I'm collecting recipes on this trip!!

We went to Bible Study with them, and then came home to play Skip-Bo. It was good to get re-acquainted with them after 10 years. (Sorry about the amateur photographer!!)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your trip is going great. Really enjoying your blog. May God continue to bless your travels.
