Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sights along the way...

Spring is a great time to travel – usually the weather is quite cooperative; traffic is thin because kids are still in school.

We see beautiful clusters of many-colored wild flowers growing profusely along the highways.

Trees are blooming in white, yellow, red, pink & purple.

Trains a mile long move slowly across the open prairie.

Telephone poles line up perfectly for a second as we drive by them.

Newly plowed and planted fields show off their black dirt and tiny green seedlings. The fields are flat enough to see forever...

The clouds dance across the sky; then darken and rain washes our windshield. Once again the sun comes out and the clouds stay distant. I love watching cloud formations! God uses them as His chariot.

Jutting rock structures defy gravity. The structures are as varied as the flowers in color and shape! Hills are covered with newly green-leafed trees.

Even the roads come in different colors – grey, black, red and lots of in between shades.

Billboards mostly advertise lawyers, but some herald the Good News of eternal life to only be found in Jesus Christ! They warn of the 2 eternal destinations of all people.

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