Friday, May 12, 2023


Our first stop was to find a church for a Wednesday evening prayer meeting. We found one in Lockport, IL, First Baptist Church. After a study in II Thessalonians, they graciously let us spend the night in their parking lot, and even hooked us up to electricity! 

Thursday we had lunch at Heather‘s cousin’s place in Elk Grove Village. We renewed acquaintance with some “old” friends over pizza and pop. Heather taught the Good News Club there where the internet was strong enough.

That night we drove to a truck repair shop to have the R.V.’s oil changed. It’s something Roger does at home, but on the road it’s more difficult. They allowed us to park in their lot, so we didn’t have to drive through morning rush hour and were ready as soon as they opened. The shop was in West Chicago, where we used to live, run by a friend of a friend.

After that, we toured the West Chicago City Museum. It was amazing what we learned! While living here, we never went to it or even knew about it best we can remember. West Chicago was founded because of the railroads – with many trains intersecting/crossing. You can hardly drive through town without a 10 minute wait at a train crossing – freight and passenger trains alike traverse the rails.

Dinner was with home schooling friends from long ago. Nice to get caught up on news! We were able to park at their house and plug in. Their house was built in 1896!! High ceilings and 7' doors! The mural above was painted by our friends

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