Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day

On our way to the “next stop”, Roger discovered that the same tire we had fixed in NC was soft!! Since it was Saturday, most repair shops were closed. However, he found a truck mechanic shop that was willing to at least look at it. They don’t sell tires and don’t fix tires. Several Russian Turks were running the place and they were very helpful. The best they could do was put our spare tire on. Now we are praying for it to last until we get to Billings, MT, which is where we purchased the tire that died. A sharp piece of metal pierced the sidewall between the dual tires! They wouldn’t take any money, but had a “donation” box that they use to help people. Since they were Muslim, we put some money in it in Jesus’ Name. Several of them took Gospels of John when Roger explained that it talks about “Isa”, their name for Jesus. 

We arrived at friends in Sycamore in time for their famous tacos! They live on an acreage with a lake, so Bonnie & I walked around the lake. Since we do little walking on these R.V. trips, it was a great activity! The weather could not have been better.

Sunday morning we awoke to a cold, rainy Mother’s Day. However, the sermon was good – on Mary’s Magnificat – and how she lived in a situation not unlike ours today – with “Babylon” all around us.

After church and leaving our friends we visited the train museum at Union, IL. Wow! Since it was Mother's Day, Heather got in free! We rode two old trains. One, pulled by a diesel-electric engine, had three 1900-era passenger cars; the other was an electric trolley like the kind that used to blanket the tri-state region in the early nineteen hundreds.

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