Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Everyday Events

We walked the girls to school, which is basically across the street! Chanda had several projects for Roger to work on. He was able to complete a few. Heather baked bread several times. On Friday we all went to the big town of Fredericton! It was an all day outing. We checked out the second hand stores, looking for specific things. That, of course, is most difficult and we were not successful. But we had a good day!

On the way to Fredericton we detoured  down this dirt road and filled lots of jugs with spring water. It's a public spring with a stainless steel pipe that continually gushes water. 

The girls always want to go to the park – it’s their school play ground. Roger took them over once and Heather took them over once. They also attend drama after school 2 days and go to an after school program several days. 

In the free time, we taught them and then played Skip-bo most days! Zeke joined us several times for games. On Saturday we got out Monopoly and played for several hours!

Chanda operates a fast food "canteen" at the local ice rink. We ate there as a family several times.

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