Sunday, May 5, 2024


Traveling north in OH, we came to Huron and Bill and Donna’s place. Donna and Heather grew up together, first in New Brunswick, Canada, and then in Germany. Their dads co-founded the Bible School over there. They live very close to Lake Erie. Donna suggested we go for a walk, which was a great suggestion, since we had been driving. Also, the weather was ideal. We walked on the “boardwalk” over marsh right by the lake. Chicken salad sandwiches for lunch and then we moved on.

Friends were expecting us in Hillsdale, MI. Richard and Neelam and family moved from WA so their kids could attend Hillsdale Academy & College. We really miss them at home, so it was super great to be together again. Heather had to teach that afternoon, so they were ready with internet!

On Friday they took us to the Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI. What a day! Lots to see, cars belonging to presidents, rides in a Model-T and coal driven train, & lunch on the grounds. The highlight was a ride on a carousel – built for adults! (& kids!!) What fun.

Saturday was even bigger! We drove 2.5 hours to Holland, MI, to admire their tulip fields. Unfortunately, the tulips were pretty much past their glory – guess it’s been a warm year – even though we were there for the opening day of Holland Days. But we climbed into the windmill all the way to the 5th floor, and learned more about how they operated. Again the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the outdoors. Their carousal was only for little kids!


Richard took us to a Chicago-style pizza place. That pizza was too good!! We always try to get some deep dish pizza when out "east". Before we drove home, we watched the Dutch Dancers perform out on the street. Pretty good, wearing wooden shoes!

Sunday we were blessed with fantastic Bible teaching. In Sunday School we studied Zechariah and in church the first 10 verses of Romans 11. Excellent teaching!

These students are graduating from Hillsdale this year. They have been attending this church - and there are many other churches around town with Hillsdale students!

Our friend's rented house. I love the "old" buildings!!

Lunch with their friends who first welcomed them to MI. & other friends came over later. Heather taught on Zoom again (with good internet!!).

Monday - It's now time to move on...

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