Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Moving - NC, TN, VA, TN, KY, OH

There’s a tiny part of a highway that dips back into TN from VA. We were welcomed into VA, but there was not a second welcome when we re-entered TN!!

One thing about traveling in the southern States especially is all the churches! We just couldn’t help but comment on one after another – mostly Baptist down south. (pronounced Babtis) As we have now moved further north, there are still a lot of churches, but with more denominational variety.

The weather has warmed up after I pulled out a long-sleeved shirt the other day! Yesterday we had a lot of heavy rain – and also the night before last. It sounds great in the R.V. – and covers other sounds. We sleep well night after night.

Our first stop in OH was with Roger’s second cousin, Kathy. She’s become a widow since we last visited. Her daughter and family are living with her now – including a 6 year old adopted grandson. He keeps them all young and active! It was good to see her again.

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