Sunday, May 19, 2024


We started work at 8 on Monday. The conference attendees were still arriving from all over the world. It was a meeting of the International Regional Directors and the International Board. Besides kitchen work (our main job was breakfast), we helped put together 2,000 back pack kits for Haitian kids. About 10 items per bag. The job got done!

Also, there was collating of teaching materials needing to be done. We made a small dent in that project. 

Heather's other assigned job was to iron 28 round tablecloths for a big Friday formal dinner. She got help with 4.5 - the rest were her responsibility.

Tuesday-Friday we reported to work at 6:30. They like a 6-7 work day from volunteers, so we stayed out of trouble. Truth is, we did more work. The other option was to sit in the R.V.!

The weather was pleasant - hot some days; cool some days; some rain. We didn't have a fire at night, like we have it the past.

In the kitchen, we prepared food - baked cookies, cut veggies, put out all the breakfast items, washed dishes, served the guests, etc. It was a never-ending job! What fun!! We just might be back - later this year or next year...only God knows!

Saturday we pulled out and got to Nebraska City, NE. We found a great parking for the night and got our shopping done for the next week.

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