Thursday, May 9, 2024

95th!, Mugshots & Sammy Morris

We drove to Uncle Bill's on Monday, arriving mid-afternoon. For several hours he reminisced for us - Roger wanted to know more about his dad. Then, at 7 p.m. lots of friends showed up for his 95th birthday (on the 9th). We also enjoyed fajitas that cousin Dawn served. It was great to see them all again. Uncle Bill gets around with a walker after his stroke.

We spent the night in a Walmart parking lot - always a good place to be! Tuesday we stopped in at Trent and Wendy's place. They gave us the grand tour of their 4,000 sq ft new house - still very "unmoved into". Then they took us to "Mugshots" - the local coffee shop in Allegan, MI. Lunch was delicious!

From there we moved on to Russ and Flossie's in Fort Wayne, IN. Roger has a short list of chores to do - he likes being able to help. Flossie drove us to the cemetery where Sammy Morris' monument stands. He sure made a long, lasting impression - a man of God for sure. 

We spent a night there and the next afternoon drove to a local small church prayer meeting. Now we are in another Walmart parking lot, listening to the rain.

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