Sunday, April 2, 2023

NE to MO

Our goal was Columbia, MO, to be able to attend Mary and Scot’s baptism. We found out about it on the road, so adjusted our schedule to get there. 

Driving was pleasant and we took the time to stop at a Lewis and Clark museum. It was well worth the stop. They have produced an informative movie on the over 200 years ago day to day trip to the west coast via water. Also, the actual reproduction of a keelboat was fascinating! The original plans Clark drew up were found in the 1950’s in an attic!

We parked at the Calvary Heritage Baptist Church on Saturday night. As usual, Pastor Ted preached a dynamic sermon. He spoke on Silent Saturday – the in-between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday day. Never heard a sermon on that, but he was right on. You can find it on their FB page! Dinner with Scot and Mary and on to CEF HQs, where we’ll spend this week. Got the R.V. parked and hooked up. While I was teaching on Zoom, Roger washed the dishes and R.V.!!


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