Friday, April 21, 2023

Next Day...More

We were up and dressed before 6 a.m., determined to have a better day! We weren’t up more than 15 minutes when Roger opened the overhead bin to get a cup, and knocked his brand new mug to the table and floor. It shattered!!

Several trucks around us had left, but some were still there. Traffic was light, the roads were generally good (the worst part is always the bridges), and we only got lost a couple of times. It’s not unusual here to have roads marked with one going south and the same sign with another going north. If the sun wasn’t showing, we weren’t sure which direction we were traveling! Also, in several States the exit numbers have been changed, so we missed at least one exit because of that!

We crossed the Hudson River heading to New York and stopped at a high lookout point. Here are some images.

I left the large serving spoon in the pot that I set on the table with a taco dip in it. Roger prayed, thanking the Lord for the food. After his amen, I added, "& that we can eat from the table today." Roger then immediately knocked the loaded spoon on the floor, so I salvaged some of that, too!!!

But it was a good day overall. Roger was able to find a place that let us park for the night with hook-ups, even though they aren’t officially open. They even got the laundry machines running just for us (it took several attempts…). So, the washable things that got stew on them will be clean again!

A beautiful sunset and peaceful place will refresh us for tomorrow, when we cross the border to Heather’s brother’s place.

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