Sunday, April 16, 2023

Book Sorting - & Outings

There is no end to the books here that need to be unboxed, sorted, and repackaged to go around the world, including to the ships Logos Hope and Doulos Hope. Books open many doors, and the ships can get into countries that are otherwise not open. Several countries also get books from here for their Christian bookstores. Containers are filled and shipped.

Once on month on Saturday, the warehouse is open to anyone in the community who wants to come and help sort books. This was that day. We went in for an hour and then friends Joye and Steve picked us up to go shopping. We started at a farmer’s market. Such good looking fruit and veggies so early in the year! With limited fridge space we didn’t do much buying, but it was a beautiful day to be out and about.

From there we went to Lidl’s – a German based grocery store company. We saw the bin for German bread, but it was empty! However, there were plenty of German chocolates, so we stocked up. You can never have too many of those. And the seeded loaf of bread was also tempting – and has not disappointed us! Roger also found his favorite chocolate covered Expresso beans...just like Trader Joe's. 

Today we are being picked up for church and then Joye and Steve will join us for dinner in the R.V. It’s fun to entertain in our “little house”.

2 more days of book sorting and we’ll be on our way, heading north.

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