Thursday, April 6, 2023

CEF HQs in Warrenton, MO

We arrived and got the R.V. hooked up Sunday afternoon. With weak internet, Heather had to move into the building to teach on Zoom.

Monday morning Roger was assigned to work in buildings and grounds while Heather worked in housekeeping. It was great to reconnect with Alexa, a neighbor from home who grew up in our Good News Clubs, who is now studying at the Children's Ministry Institute (CMI) training. She’s doing well.

Tuesday Heather was moved to DCC – Digital Communications Center – to do data input. That was very interesting because they are “harvesting” ideas from past magazines for possible electronic recycling. Heather’s job was to summarize and input key search  words that would help someone looking for information on a given topic. Roger has worked on various things - plumbing, sheet rock, raking leaves, etc. He likes working outside, so that was the fun part.

On Wednesday it was back to housekeeping, and Thursday to DCC. So, variety is the spice of life! 

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings were too windy to have a campfire like we like to do, but Thursday evening was just right for the fire. So as soon as Heather finished teaching her Zoom Good News Club we enjoyed a fire. It was our final day at CEF as they are closed on Good Friday. 

When we first arrived here the weather was great, but we had very turbulent wind on Tuesday night. There were tornado warnings; the R.V. rocked violently and branches came down on the roof. However, no damage and we slept well! The rain was also heavy during the night and continued in the morning. We used our umbrellas to get to work on Wednesday morning. 

We attended Worship On Wednesday (WOW) which was conducted by the young people attending CMI. They reviewed the 7 last words of Christ on the cross. What a great price Jesus paid for our salvation. That is what motivates us to continue serving. And it's inspiring to have the youth taking up the torch.

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