Sunday, April 23, 2023

New Brunswick

Saturday morning dawned sunny and warm, although the wind was cool. We got a good start for Houlton, the US/Canada border town. Heather once lived here and attended part of grade 1 in the elementary school.

We shopped for various items to take along over the border, and had lunch in the R.V.

Crossing the border was no problem! Another 2 hours and we arrived at brother Paul’s place. Heather's dad was the pastor of a church here (before Paul was born!), so it was like coming home!

The twins Taylor and Victoria, 9, were happy to see us! Zeke, 14, welcomed us, too. Evidently they have been waiting anxiously for our arrival. We had some catching up to do – it was 2018 when we were last here.

Then we were informed that we were singing in the service Sunday, so we had a little hymn sing with Chanda before retiring. We'll be doing more music because the girls want to sing with us.

On Wednesday Roger went with brother-in-law Paul and his pooch, Abby, to the groomer. It was a 1st for Roger to watch the process since he is not a "pet person".

There's a bird feeder outside the dining area and it's fun to watch the bids eat. The last couple days there's been an aggressive fat squirrel sitting there daring us to come out and chase him away.

Heather has been asked to teach the kids' Sundays School class next Sunday and then in the morning church service to present a Bible story followed by her witnessing seminar. 

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