Friday, May 31, 2019

Entertainment/free time:

Today we walked to a near-by museum called “Yuzo Yamamoto Memorial Museum”. He was a famous Japanese author who built the house in 1926. In 1946 it was seized by the occupational troops, then returned in 1951. It became a library until 1985. Now it’s a museum. They advertise it as a “western house” so that piqued our curiosity. For only 300 yen each we were able to tour a relatively large house with extremely squeaky floors, and look at displays that were all in Japanese! They did give us a flyer that was in English, but that was all. A DVD was playing about one of the plays that this author wrote – would have been nice to understand it (& then again, maybe not!!). Behind the "mansion" was a fish pond with gold fish. One of them looked like it had a UPC code on it's back - not likely, but we'd never seen one like it before. Sorry, no fish pictures.

What else do we do for entertainment?

Puzzles: (2,000; 1,000; 1,000 piece)

Toys: (I love that their toys almost all wind up rather than needing batteries. They will work well in our Christmas shoe boxes! – in the meantime, Roger has enjoyed them!)

He's enjoyed a lot of the food, too! (What is it? Not a marshmallow!)

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