Thursday, May 30, 2019

Shopping for clothes

The heat wave motivated me to shop for something cooler. There were 13%, 15% and 20% signs in stores everywhere - we assumed items on sale for that much off. However, upon closer examination, we discovered at least some of those sale prices were only for "members".

We “accidentally” found a discount store (GU) on the 8th floor of a building by riding the escalators to the top for fun!! There was a pretty pink skort (skirt/pants) that I thought I would like. But not given to rash purchases, I held off. A week or so later we went back – it was gone. We had also seen several other skirts I thought I would like – they were all gone!! So I bought another one.

A few days later we took the escalator up of a store where we regularly shopped the basement grocery store. There was a nice yellow top I thought I’d like, but needed to try it on first. I was too tired and hot.

We returned to that story several days later and it was still there. I decided to try it on.

I took the top to the fitting rooms, and motioned that I wanted to try it on. The clerk went with me to the small cubicle. As I stepped in, she hastily showed me I needed to remove my shoes. So, barefoot I stepped into the room (with a very dirty carpet) and pulled the curtain. She knocked slightly and stuck something through to me. It was a “mask” that I was to put on before pulling the top over my head!!

I liked the top and it fit, so I bought it! At least no one else will have to try it on and maybe get my germs!!

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