Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Tokyo Transportation, Part 1: Cars

We offer you some "American" observations on the transportation modes the people in Tokyo use to get around. Tokyo probably isn't all that different from any large 1st world city when it comes to transportation, but there are things worth mentioning.

Cars and vans are generally smaller (shorter and narrower) than in North America and some families don't even own a car. You can certainly get anywhere you want by other means. There are lots of cars, from high-end European imports, to luxury Japanese models that are not exported to the USA.

By the way, cars and trucks drive on the left side of the road so the driver sits on the right side of the vehicle. We were told that cars are not designed for lots of power and speed. We suppose this is because you never go very fast given the traffic congestion in Tokyo.

There are two classes of auto licenses, white plates and yellow plates. The yellow plates are for low power vehicles, that we suppose are for local travel, but parts of Japan are mountainous and so these vehicles wouldn't be good there. White plates are for larger higher power vehicles.

Taxis are everywhere in Tokyo and are quite different from US taxis. The most noticeable thing is that passengers get in the left side and the doors open by driver remote control. The same thing for getting out...the driver opens the door after you pay. Taxis are very classy looking inside and out...and the drivers are always wear a dressy uniform.

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