Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tokyo Transportation, Part 3: Bicycles and Motorcycles

Bicycles are everywhere (we really mean everywhere!). They are essentially the family car. It is common to see a mother or father riding a bike with a child in a front compartment and one in the rear...and sometimes also a baby in a chest or back pack. Many of the child seats are completely enclosed for cold weather and rain. Many school kids and business men and women commute to work on bikes. Helmets may not be required since most riders do not wear them. A lot of bikes have "electric assist" pedaling, and cost around $1,500, but are way cool. Here's one below...

Here's a family heading home after church...

Here's an "air station" for bikes and it's out in front of a bike shop.

Honda Gyro Canopy is a unique 3-wheel motorcycle with a storage compartment on the back. They are commonly used as delivery vehicles (post office, etc.)

Here's a friend on her scooter...
Not sure what this Sunday driver was actually driving...must be legal. He was stopped at a light.

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