Tuesday, May 3, 2022

OM's Logos Hope Ship's Warehouse

We arrived at the OM Ship book warehouse on Tuesday, April 26. Millions of books pass through here and we get to help sort them so they go to the right place. The weather is very warm and we are glad for air conditioning in the warehouse. The R.V. is parked in shade, so it’s quite pleasant. The only snakes around that we've heard of are black snakes and copperheads in the wooded areas!!

On Saturday we took some friends out for lunch. They have always hosted us, but Joye had recent surgery, so it was our turn! We love the name of this place - and the food is good.

On Sunday we knew which church we wanted to attend and got there in good time. Everyone was sitting in their cars – there was no electricity! The entire region was out and they didn’t know when it would come back. So, after 15 minutes of waiting, we decided to find another church. The Sunday school class was interesting as was the service. They featured their bell choir and they are very good!

In the evening we planned to go to a closer church. When we got there, there were about 6 cars in the parking lot, but the doors were all locked. Even after banging on the door, no one opened it. So, we returned to the morning church – and loved the singing. The pastor was absent, but we heard a lot of good information about their RU (Reformers Unanimous addiction recovery) program, along with a testimony.

On Tuesday we invited the OM staff to celebrate our 50th with us at a pizza party. About 40 were in attendance. 

They also brought in a fancy cake (sorry, it got cut into before we got a picture). The day ended with a heavy rain/hail storm, which was VERY loud in the warehouse for about one hour. Now it’s just gently raining, and the temperature has dropped. Yeah! We’re even cooking soup for supper.

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