Sunday, May 15, 2022

Indiana Friends

In Fort Wayne we spent 2 days with the Epleys. They always have a short list of projects for Roger, so it’s especially nice that we can satisfy most of their wish list. And Russ likes my cooking, so I get to use that gift I enjoy to bless us all.

On Wednesday we headed to Rochester, IN, to a college friend of Heather’s. Patty had an accident when they were still in FL and broke her leg. She’s quite limited in movement right now, so we were able to help put dinner on the table and leave them some prepared dinners for another time. She doesn’t have much pain, which is great. Their place is right on the Tippecanoe River and they have a lovely view with many birds and squirrels feeding near-by. We laughed over our many-years-ago memories!

Thursday saw us at a friend of Roger’s – a guy he worked with in the 80’s. Tom became a Christian and made contact with Roger. He lives alone on 11 acres, very organically-focused. Raises chickens and grows his own food as much as possible.

He’s the official photographer for the Chicago White Sox, and had just returned from spring training camp in AZ. He’s also an inventor and has many projects underway – all over his house! His home-grown bar-b-que chicken and corn on the cob dinner was delicious. We got a tour of all his hot houses, chickens and other things he’s working on to become completely self-sufficient.

On Friday we arrived at Heather and Harlan’s home in W. Lafayette. 

Heather and Heather attended Taylor U. together. She’s from England and I came from Germany, so together we formed the International Club at Taylor. Lots of good memories over the years.

Now it's on to MO.

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