Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mary & Future Plans

We have decided to drive our “new” van to SD to spend the long weekend with our 2 sons & families. The R.V. may be ready next week, in which case we will return to Illinois get it. Then we need to decide about the van we purchased. So many decisions!

Besides kitchen work here at CEF, I (Heather) worked in housekeeping. It reminded me of Mary, who also does some of that in the mall in Columbia.

(like mother, like daughter!)

We spent last Sunday with her and Scot and really enjoyed the local church. Afterwards, Mary & I walked home to their place – only a few short blocks! We had lunch together outside – the weather was cooperative! (an answer to prayer) Mary then had to go to work, so I walked her over and Roger picked me up in time to attend a movie at the same church.


We returned to CEF for Monday work.

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