Tuesday, May 10, 2022

OH – and camping with grandkids!

I thought camping with 3 grandkids (9,11,13) was a great idea – right by a stream they could fish and swim in; fires for s’mores; room to run; etc. What I didn’t realize was that it was going to be a very rainy, wet, muddy time! The nice river in the pictures was running brown, fast and broad! We stayed away.

The boys went through several outfits, which their mom ran out to purchase. We all crammed into the R.V. for a lot of the time. I had an egg hunt in mind, so we did it in the R.V.! There was a covered picnic table, which we used for our main meals. We played games and read the story of “Ian and the Giant Leafy Obstacle“. The time did pass and we got to know one another better than if the sun had been shining. Crystal & Vicki slept in the tent with one of the boys. Ellie and the other boy were with us in the R.V. With much persistence and help from the boys, Roger got the fire going – both days! So we had the hot dogs and sausages cooked over the fire and actually enjoyed s’mores both days!

Sunday morning the sun came up and the tent dried! The 2 boys went to Sunday School with us and the rest joined us for church. Afterwards we went to a local park for lunch and play time. At 4 Crystal, Vicki and Ellie left for NC. We played Pit and Qwixx with the boys until it was time to return them to their father.

Sunday night we spent with the Mitchell’s who have graciously offered their yard anytime for electric hook-ups and, more importantly, internet! I had a Zoom Bible memory meeting at 10:15 (eastern time), so it was nice to be able to be there for it.

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