Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Ark, OM Ships & NC

We were blessed to visit The Ark in KY. It was all it was talked up to be and more!

Very well researched details, well presented material - more than one day can do justice to. We did do a lot of walking!

From there we drove to Operation Mobilization Ships book warehouse and volunteered for 2 days. They process millions of books - it's all quite amazing.

Books go all over the world - on the ship, Logos Hope, and to many small bookstores in far away places.

Now we are at our son Josh's place. Scarlett, 8, was glad to see us and immediately wanted to know where we kept our games. She loves playing table games - can't believe I forgot that about her! I did bring a few, so we played several. She catches on quickly and beat me at Memory!!

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