Saturday, September 14, 2019

What are Ewalds Really Doing at CEF Headquarters?

In case some of you wonder what we do to keep busy at Child Evangelism Fellowship, here are some pictures! There are 9 long hallways like these that need to be vacuumed or swept – some of them every day.
Roger vacuums and collects garbage (that's him in the hallway - they are long hallways!):

Heather sweeps where there's no carpet:

We cleaned at least 24 toilets in 10 bathrooms – plus sinks, floors, etc. That, of course, isn’t all of them! (no pictures included!) Cleaning baseboards, bottoms of chair rungs, etc. - work below waist level is the hardest…

The weather was in the 90s most of this week, but yesterday it cooled and by evening we were able to have one more fire in our firepit. This is a very restful location amidst trees and squirrels!

In our "free" time, one thing we've done is pick up sticks. The black walnut trees shed lots of small branches and twigs. Twice we could have a fire, and the rest of the sticks went into the pick-up to be burned elsewhere.
Extra gifts to us were:
-a ride to church and dinner afterwards!
-Roger praying for a country (Guyana) and then getting to raise its flag (this is a once a week meeting on the International flag plaza where different countries are prayed for)

The folks here have all been so grateful for our work we feel very blessed. There’s no pressure and our strength is holding up well!
Now we have completed 2 weeks here and today we move on.

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