Tuesday, October 1, 2019

D.C. and OH

Part of our visit in NC included a trip to D.C. I took granddaughters Ellie, 10, and Scarlett, 8, to tour the White House. In the spring I had applied for the tickets and got word 2 weeks before my requested time that we did get them! Nothing like last minute notice! However, they told me up front that that was how it worked. Ellie was our "official" (& only) photographer.

The State Dining Room has a mantle that is a reproduction of the 1812 original. On it is a prayer that all who serve in the White House may be worthy.

After our tour of the White House, we spent the rest of the day at the Museum of the Bible. I can’t say enough about that museum – it is truly worthwhile to visit. 6 floors of activity, information, and interactive displays. On one floor you walk through Nazareth; one floor takes you through the Old Testament and one through the New Testament. There are things for kids to do – the girls wrote some Hebrew and made a bookmark with their “correct” birth dates (based on the corrected calendar).
Their favorite place was the kids’ corner with 2 pillars for them to push over (Samson); a maze to conquer (Rachel hiding the spies); a fishing pond made with lights that rippled when you walked on it (Peter fishing); lions to feed; baskets of fish and bread to multiply; as well as a climbing area.

The next day we toured the Capitol, visited MLKing's memorial and President Roosevelt’s memorial, walked through Ford’s Theatre and the house across the street where President Lincoln died.
I managed to tire the girls totally, so we all got good nights’ rest! It was an adventure I hope they don't forget soon!
Now we are in OH, visiting our 2 grandsons. We had 3 hours with them tonight and plan on a little more time tomorrow.

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