Monday, September 2, 2019

From Silver Dollar City to Columbia, MO

Silver Dollar City – we continue to be encouraged and inspired with Christ-honoring Southern  Gospel music. The weather has been super pleasant. Some of our favorite songs have been sung. Some of our favorite groups have performed. We love singing our hymns by request in the Wilderness Church.

We toured the cave once again. God put a lot of work into the "under world"! And we were glad the train worked to take us back out (one time we had to walk out!). Now it’s time to journey on.

We drove to Springfield for the night and made a terrible discovery. Walmarts in MO do not allowed R.V.s to park for the night. They’ve had a lot of theft and now patrol the parking lots all night. We parked in front of the Dollar Tree – they didn’t mind!

On our way to Columbia we pulled into a roadside table spot. A monument there honored Missouri moms. We were very impressed that they honor mothers who are concerned about “the moral and spiritual condition” of the families of Missouri. What a noble thing to honor!

On Sunday we met our new son-in-law, Scot. We took dinner to their place for their 1st wedding anniversary. Since Scot was on crutches, we couldn’t meet at the restaurant as planned. However, the weather was great and we picnicked in their back yard.

We also were grateful to visit a local church morning and evening. After the evening service, a couple invited us to go to Dairy Queen with them. We spent the night in the church parking lot.

Monday, today, sees us headed for Warrenton and CEF’s headquarters. We hope to be useful there for a couple of weeks.

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