Thursday, August 31, 2023

On the Reservation in AZ

Tomorrow morning we leave Teec Nos Pos, AZ, after visiting with our missionary friends at the Immanuel Mission. The ministry focus is on the Navajo people.

There is beauty in the barrenness in this whole area. Red-dirt roads that shake your bones even at very slow speeds, sometimes driving over what look like enormous rocks. It took almost 1 hour to drive 8 miles because we didn't want the R.V. to totally fall apart!! The worst roads we have ever driven.

Mesas rise above the terrain in every direction.

Our missionary family has 7 sons. We greatly enjoyed our time with them. The boys had fun showing battles between scorpions and fire ants. The scorpions won!

                                 Note: The Scorpions glow blue under black light.

 "Rez Baby" Andy takes naps like a papoose. 

We're praying for no rain tonight, as that might strand us here. The washes fill up quickly - 8 feet and deeper - and can't be navigated with an R.V.!

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