Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Rapid City and Onward East

Josh and Scarlett played several games with us - that was a good time! We often miss Josh on our short visits here.

Thursday we moved on to Rapid City. After Zooming with the Good News Kids, our kids brought the grandkids over for a swim. The pool is most enticing in this unusually hot weather. We were, however, pleasantly surprised at how cool our R.V.'s a/c kept the coach.

One year old Odin really liked the R.V. It was "his size". He walked along the sides, attempting to open every door (they are too tight!!). Then he went to the bedroom and peeked around the corner to see if anyone was watching! Wyatt and Heather went to the playground together. Zoey, Scarlett and Heather played their favorite game of  "States".

We walked the park, played in the playground and mostly, hung around the pool! For some strange reason, it was not crowded at all. Since the temperature was pushing 100, maybe most people stayed inside!!

Saturday evening we all went to the fair. There were rides the kids enjoyed. Heather got to do bumper cars with Wyatt. He was too short to go alone, so she pushed the pedal while he steered.

Sunday we visited a different church just down the street from where we were parked. They have AWANA and a Christian elementary school. In the afternoon, Roger went shooting with Josh and Alan. The rest of us hung around the pool!!

Monday morning we pulled out for Sioux Falls, SD. It was a very hot day, but the R.V. does have good a/c when we're driving. Breaks were taken in Walmarts. Even though we'd been to the corn palace in Mitchell before, we stopped in again. Sitting in the cool was super refreshing. We met a couple there from TX, who turned out to be a brother and sister in Christ! 

We spent the night in Sam's Club's parking lot.

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