Wednesday, August 30, 2023

On to AZ

It's always hard to move away from Silver Dollar City and the marvelous Southern Gospel Picnic. The music is so refreshing to our souls. But, wanting to cover a lot of miles, we left early.

We love the fuel prices in "red states". Our final fuel-up was in Ozark, MO. It's the first time we found ourselves next to a tractor at a gas station.

We traveled almost got all the way through Kansas, hugging the southern border - over 500 miles. There is no interstate highway where we are going! The weather was bearable, the roads were good, the traffic was light - what more could we ask for? Garden City, KS, Walmart hosted us for the night.

Tuesday morning we entered Colorado. Half of the day was pleasant, fairly straight road driving. Then we got into the mountains. Roger drove both passes - and it wasn't too hard. The R.V. made it up, although very slowly! One pass was over 9,000 and the other over 10,000 feet!

On the way we've seen some interesting things - 

-a man in a 4 wheeler, waiting at a stop light. He got out of the cart and pushed the cross button so he'd get a green light to cross on the pedestrian path.

-a sign reminding people that there is no snow plowing between 7 pm and 5 am

-a 4 wheeler driven by a kid on the road in town (small town!)

Chimney Rock Monument was on our way, so we stopped by to check it out. There's another Chimney Rock out east that we also visited a long time ago...

Another night at Walmart (Durango, CO). Durango boasts a train ride that we checked out, but it's all day and quite pricey. We decided we could pass on that one. 

Now we're off to Teec Nos Pos and our friends, the Bieleckis!

The weather has cooled so much we put another blanket on last night. Heather wore a sweater in the morning. However, the sun is up and hot - shining on the hills all around us as we stop for breakfast and devotions.

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