Wednesday, August 23, 2023


We didn't get an early start because we got word from Mary that she wouldn't be home until almost 2. Roger wanted to visit a company that he has done business with, so we put the address in the GPS and took off. All went well for about 100 miles. Then, the GPS led us onto a gravel road. This was suspicious, but we pursued. The road narrowed, became one lane with grass growing in the middle. Then we had to "ford" a small stream that had left a good sized pool. I gunned the R.V. - Roger told me not to get stuck, so I didn't!! We finally arrived back in civilization - not sure what happened to that company we were attempting to find.

Had lunch with Scot and Mary. Scot's sister and her daughter have moved into their 1 bedroom apartment! We ate lunch outside in the shade - there was a slight wind (yes, it was HOT, but we can't tolerate the strong smell smell inside).  

Then we drove to Silver Dollar City, arriving after dark. Parking the R.V. was tricky in the dark, but now we are set and hooked up. Ready for 4 great days of true worship music.

Thank you, Lord, for safety and Your continual care and presence.

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