Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Pacific Ocean and a Covered Bridge

Friday morning we were able to help the pastor out a little by doing some cleaning in the former parsonage that will soon be used for a family coming up from Mexico for a break. 

The highway up the coast is narrow, curvy, hilly and heavily wooded with very old growth (and construction!). But once in a while you break out right by the ocean and it's so majestic!

We didn't realize we were driving right by the tree that a car can drive through (not an R.V.!!) So we stopped there and got some pictures. Pretty amazing how old that tree must be - possibly over 2,400 years old.

After many miles of strenuous driving, we decided to not stay on the coastal highway all the way home. We angled over to Grant's Pass in OR, and spent the night in a quiet rest area.

Saturday we put about 200 miles on heading north before cutting over to the coast again. This time the road was much "driver friendly".

One sign we couldn't pass up was the covered bridge! So, we not only went to see it, we drove through it - one lane traffic only!

We're spending the night in Tillamook, OR, looking forward to a great Sunday again.

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