Thursday, May 6, 2021

Manteca, CA - prayer revival services and Ft. Bragg, CA - National Day of Prayer

Wednesday saw us heading north through CA. Since it was prayer meeting night, we looked online for a church to attend and found one in Manteca, CA. The building was full – they were having revival meetings with the topic being prayer. It was their fourth night and we were told every night was booked full – at least 150 attending – all ages. The singing was almost heavenly and we were strongly encouraged to "up" our prayer life.

The pastor invited us to park the RV at the church for the night, which we gladly did! Like several churches we've visited in our travels, they had connections for RVs.

Thursday we continued on our trip homeward bound. We had decided to drive up the coastal highway, so needed to “jog” over to the ocean. The road was hilly, windy and narrow, but smooth. At one point we passed a buffalo farm – with buffalo meat advertised. We got into town about 4:30 and Roger looked to find a place that was remembering the National Day of Prayer. In Ft. Bragg, we found a church and drove over. There were not too many of us, but we prayed together for our beloved country. We also participated in the D.C. prayer service that was broadcast. 

After the service ended, the local pastor and his wife invited us to come to their house for enchiladas. What a pleasant surprise! They were so good! Then we were invited to stay parked at the church with an electric plug-in. How blessed can one be?

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