Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Mother's Day, Ocean Park & Home!

Sunday, Mother’s Day, was another highlight with a great church family that has a strong missions emphasis. We had some in depth Bible teaching from Habakkuk for Sunday School. It was so nice to hear Bible pages rustling as people turned from one passage to another. The music was terrific – pastor and his wife sang a duet about mothers. The moms were given a carnation and a chocolate!

Then we continued north, once again along the coast. Roger found an evening service in Ocean Park, ½ way up the tiny finger shaped peninsula by Long Beach. We got there in time and sat and waited. Roger finally called the pastor – they had cancelled services that evening because it was Mother’s Day! But the pastor came over and we had a good visit. He was very enthusiastic and excited about people getting saved. We spent the night on the church parking lot, and headed home the next day.

Arrived about 4 p.m. Glad to be home! It was a good trip, but there’s no place like home.

This trip was marked by high winds and rough roads, as well as great church services and fellowship with other believers. We had a number of evenings we worked on a puzzle together. It was a restful time.

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