Thursday, May 6, 2021

Covina, CA - Meeting New Friends!

Tuesday was an exciting day because we got to meet 3 of our Zoom clubbers who live in CA. They got connected to our club via a mutual friend. The drive up to their house was a narrow, steep, curvy road in a gated community, but the R.V. did great! At the almost top of the hill was a clearing with 5 dwellings – 1 large house and 2 duplexes. Our friends live in the duplexes – we met 3 of the 4 families. The large house is an Air BnB, and was currently empty. The owner of the property lives in Canada – a Chinese Christian. We were greeted and graciously welcomed. They took us up the rest of the hill on steps, from where we could look out over the valley. Someone many years ago had built a small clearing just below the highest look-out with a cross on it. Possibly a good place to worship in private.

That afternoon I taught a Good News Club to the 5 kids present. It was a first for them to be in a “real in person” club and we all enjoyed it. The parents watched from the back.

We were showered with gifts and hospitality. One family brought pizzas for us all. The other 2 families took us out to dinner. In the end, we parked there for the night – a quiet, beautiful spot.

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