Thursday, May 17, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 9th Posting

Miss Winnie struggled over the high hills in VT and NY, but she made it! We did stop to let her cool off… Just around the corner after our stop, we reached the summit – and this was what we saw! There were true hair-pin curves on the way down.

One stop was at Nutty Steph's – where we met a woman from Germany and a man from the Ukraine. The world is coming to us. They made their own chocolate there and it was tasty!

Crossing the bridge into NY, we stopped for our lunch. The lighthouse was very memorable and the park peaceful. We were the only ones there.

Wednesday we stayed in Amsterdam, NY. The next morning we visited the Old Stone Fort, built as a church in 1772. A senior group was there and they had paid for a guided tour. Since several of their members didn’t show, we were invited to join (for free!!). The town was founded in 1712. We ate our taco salad lunch near the covered bridge, in the R.V.

Thursday night we’ll spend in Milton, PA, and plan to arrive Columbus, OH, on Friday.

(NOTE the mention of Christianity in the above monuments. We have a Christian heritage!!)

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