Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 6th Posting

When visiting Josh, we always plan to attend H2O (help to overcome) on Thursday evenings. The church has a ministry to anyone with addictions wishing to be free. After a dinner, someone gives testimony. They’ve had some great success stories of changed lives.

Josh was off work 2 days and he and Roger worked on his shed – painting the floor and re-installing the walls. Then Roger and I painted Scarlett’s room – walls and window frames. It was a beautiful improvement. She’s been struggling in school, and we hope a new look at home will help inspire her to be on her best behavior at school. Heather spent a lot of time with her – she liked to come to the R.V. We played many games together. When she left for school today, she carried a book of Bible prayers. Sure hope she doesn’t get hassled – her life isn’t easy. (She’s 7 and close to being expelled from school.)

We always enjoy the Sunday School class that we attend at Scarlett’s church. Vicki (the birth mom) gets her there as much as possible. Sunday Roger and Josh bar-b-qued pork chops and we ate in style – on the covered porch. That afternoon we went to Vicki’s new mobile home, where she wanted to show us the room she has for Scarlett (to visit/stay).

Monday morning was time to move on. Heading out of NC, we encountered a 30 minute construction traffic jam – but when we saw that there was a 4 mile line-up going the other direction, we realized we did o.k.

The roads are lined with flowers and flowering trees. It’s a beautiful world. On the road, we saw that Monticello was close, so we drove over for a short tour. We’ll probably spend the night in VA.

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