Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 10th Posting

Friday took us through some more narrow roads, and then onto the expressway for most of the rest of the way home.

We passed a man plowing his field with his 4-horse team. Reminded Heather of her dad who did that as a young man in Canada! And on a bridge overhead a horse and buggy crossed. Our night was spent in Sunbury, OH, just north of Columbus. It was a beautiful KOA camp site and we wished the grandkids could have enjoyed it with us – near WiFi, laundry and the lake!

Saturday early (?) morning we pulled up stakes and headed for the g’kids – Crystal’s 3. They were ready and we loaded up their “stuff” for a 3 day adventure! Our main outing for the day was the historic fire museum. Heather had researched some possible outings while still at home, without getting all the details. When we got to the museum (what boy doesn’t love fire engines?), all 3 went to the back of the museum for the “hands on” part. We didn’t know they had one!! That was where we spent the next 2 hours.

To add to the adventure, we passed/were passed by several fire engines on several calls! The boys were sure they were driven by the men who had spoken to them in the museum!!

Saturday night we parked in Circleville, in the church parking lot where the boys usually attend church with their other grandma. So Sunday morning we were in good shape to get there for Sunday School and church. Then, off to McDonald’s! (One with a playland took 25 minutes to get to, but it was worth the ride.)

We spent most of the afternoon there, and attended church in the evening. (The kids had the option to go home for a break from church, but opted to stay with us. It turned out to be a great program for the boys and they were very enthusiastic. We so wish someone could get them to the kid-oriented church weekly.) Sunday was a great day of worship and singing for us!

Sunday night was our last night. Ellie slept up front over the driver’s seat; Kaydin got the table/converted to bed; and Hunter chose the floor. It was tight quarters and Roger has decided it’s out last time! Last year they all slept on the table/bed together.

Monday, after a solid rain storm, we headed to a fun farm place called Olentangy Caverns - a petting zoo, miniature golf, playground, gem mining, and a cave to explore!! The kids ran themselves to exhaustion. The sun came out as we arrived, and it turned out to be beautiful. A great day.

It was wonderful to see God provide the details with having 3 kids for ~60 hours in our small R.V. He gave rain at just the right time; He provided smooth peanut butter for just the right kid (I like crunchy and wouldn’t “normally” have had any on hand); He made sure there was play land for them at the fire engine museum and McDonald’s; all the places Heather checked out online while still in WA turned out to be a great fit for our grandkids. God is so gracious.

And now we move on…

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