Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Gino's Pizza With Friends

Gino’s East Pizza is well known in Chicago and we miss it! That was where our wedding party went after we left on our honeymoon. So we invited friends to join us in the “new” Gino’s East in Lake Geneva, WI. About 22 came, and we had a good time of reminiscing and praising God for all He has done for us in the last 50 years – all while eating pizza!! Thanks to those special friends who made the effort to join us on a very rainy, windy day! The youngest was 4 year old Alexandria – a bright little girl who wondered who all the ”strangers” were!

We played our slide show – covering small sections of 50 years! It was almost humorous to be celebrating 50 when some of the friends that came were on their: 62nd year; 57th year; 54th year; 52nd year! What a great group of good examples (“cloud of witnesses”) to be surrounded by!

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