Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Family and Easter

At our son’s recommendation, we booked a camp site at Nemo, SD. It was supposed to be between the 2 sons, but turned out to be ½ drive off the highway, and not really close to anyone. It’s a great place to do dirt biking, but we haven’t gotten into that yet. Next life…

So, for $40/night, we did not have a sewer hook-up, no water (all frozen), no fires allowed (too windy), no wi-fi (Roger’s cell didn’t even work!), BUT we had electric!! We probably won’t return there…

The next day was Easter and we wanted the kids to go to church with us. There was a small church in Nemo which we all decided to try.

When we got there, we found out they didn’t have a pastor and used canned music for hymns. However, they served a breakfast and generally were welcoming. We almost doubled the congregation! Our granddaughter’s mom even came along (2nd time in church as far as we know), so that was great! (Roger noticed there was a cell connection, so later that day we drove back. The town has cell coverage 9am-5pm, the site said. And they meant it!)

There was the usual egg hunt, Easter dinner I served in the R.V., and some games later. When everyone left late afternoon, we were spent! But it was a good day.

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