Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Continuing East & Tel-a-Story®

Entering WY, the snow lessened and then totally disappeared for a time.  Until we entered MN, we thought WY had the worst roads! However, they “rolled out the red carpet” (red pavement) for us! When Heather in Germany first heard that there were red roads in the USA, everyone was in awe!

In MT we crossed the Continental Divide and in SD the Missouri River. The weather has remained cold!

Our relaxing trip was challenged by Tel-a-Story® that we are responsible for. Shortly after leaving home, we got word that the SIP trunking service we are using would no longer work after May 31st. Since we are on the road until then, it is putting a lot of pressure on Roger to solve this problem and keep the stories playing.  We have been averaging 70 calls per day. God is using this ministry.

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