Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Heading South & R.V. Maintenance!

Heading south, the wind kept up with us – it didn’t seem to matter which way we turned. For a time there was a lull – it was when we were driving along the border between MI and OH. Actually, the road we were on forms part of the border – MI on the left; OH on the right! The road was well maintained and traffic very light.

We drove through major rain squalls; then dry roads; sunny; and back to rain squalls! We crossed the eastern Continental Divide. KY is quite mountainous and we were in the clouds for a time.

R.V.s require constant maintenance. It’s basically a house on wheels going through a perpetual earthquake. Not all parts are easily accessed! But Roger always "rises" to the challenge.

We love seeing and hearing the cardinals – something we miss out west.

Family and Hillsdale

On Saturday we drove to MI to visit Roger’s uncle and cousin’s family. They had made arrangements for us to spend a night at Maranatha Bible Conference Grounds. The weather was quite nice and we walked down to the Lake Michigan shore. But the wind drove us back! One guy was trying to wind surf, but he couldn’t get launched.

Sunday morning we attended a large church with the family; they have a good preacher, teaching a series on strongholds right now; then we went to Culver’s for lunch. That was the first time we have been in a Culver’s – there are none near us. Good food!

Sunday evening we were looking for a church, and the GPS directed us to a small church in Hillsdale, MI. We hadn’t realized we were so close to that great school. The church we found open was having a hymn sing and cake and ice cream afterwards! Is there any better combination?? We have been so blessed, often finding a church that not only praises the Lord, but also enjoys fellowship. We spent the night in their parking lot.

Before leaving town, we drove past the Hillsdale College campus. We have enjoyed their “Imprimis” magazine for many years, so it was nice to see the actual location.

Gino's Pizza With Friends

Gino’s East Pizza is well known in Chicago and we miss it! That was where our wedding party went after we left on our honeymoon. So we invited friends to join us in the “new” Gino’s East in Lake Geneva, WI. About 22 came, and we had a good time of reminiscing and praising God for all He has done for us in the last 50 years – all while eating pizza!! Thanks to those special friends who made the effort to join us on a very rainy, windy day! The youngest was 4 year old Alexandria – a bright little girl who wondered who all the ”strangers” were!

We played our slide show – covering small sections of 50 years! It was almost humorous to be celebrating 50 when some of the friends that came were on their: 62nd year; 57th year; 54th year; 52nd year! What a great group of good examples (“cloud of witnesses”) to be surrounded by!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


We spent time with the Wanaks, whom we’ve known since before we were married. They have worked in missions (Asia) most of their lives and are now retired. They were married 2 years ahead of us. From there we drove to the Ethnos360 Bible School campus. A dear friend, also from the 70’s, teaches there. She and her (deceased) husband were missionaries in Mexico and we spent some time down there with them many years ago. I was able to teach my Zoom class from her dining room.

Internet has been an ongoing issue, especially since we were made aware of a major problem with our ministry, Tel-a-Story®, after leaving home. Roger works on it whenever he has a solid internet connection.

Friday night we thought we had a good spot to park and hook up. However, all we got was electric for $60!! That’s a new record.