Thursday, August 13, 2020

Grandkids, Tours and Home

We arrived in Rapid City where 2 of our youngest grandkids live. They love the R.V. - 3 yo Wyatt calls it "DaRV"! There is one drawer reserved for games and they remember that. Zoey, at 6, is good at Jenga and likes to play games. We sing songs together and I can tell her short Bible stories.

One day we visited Storybook Land - a fun place for kids. We all rode the train - well, Mom didn't fit!!

Our son Alan and Galina live there; now son Joshua is moving there. So we have 2 kids in the same place again!

The trip home was relaxed - we had no time constraints. In SD we toured Wonderland Cave - a refreshing thing to do in hot weather!

Also drove by Devil's Tower. Montana's a great place to shop - no tax!! We spent the night at Walmart, one of our favorite places.

We stopped at the Cataldo Mission – the oldest building in ID.

The evening before arriving at home we purchased about 70 pounds of tomatoes. So, as soon as we arrived home – about noon – Heather started canning! Good to be home and grateful for the Lord’s presence with us. He’s a great God!! May we soon see Him face to face.

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