Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Friends and Roger's Birthday

Jim and Nancy Molenhouse welcomed us to their back yard - a perfect place to park. We were able to catch up on happenings in our lives. They are active in Christian work here as well as ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa - radio station).
Image may contain: 4 people, including Nancy Molenhouse and Heather Ewald, people smiling, outdoor

The next morning we drove to Elk Grove Village, to Heather's cousin Mary's place. She offered to host a birthday party for Roger - yes, he had one! Several long time friends were able to drop in and we enjoyed fellowship.

After a quick stop in Madison, WI, at missionary friends, we headed to SD.
Tonight we are in MN and it's raining out! It sounds so pleasant from inside the R.V.! We've only had rain one other night, but we've heard about a lot of rain. Also, we have seen a lot of flooding - even the mighty Mississippi was overflowing its banks.

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