Monday, April 15, 2019

Our First Week in Japan

The cherry blossoms are pretty much over – and they are all over the ground and in our house! There is no way to keep them out! 
The park next to our house is often busy with preschoolers – there’s a school nearby and they use the park. Different ages wear different colored hats. Every day at 5 p.m. a bell rings in the park.

 A Japanese church met under a cherry tree in "our" park for a picnic lunch.

We caught the bus to church on Sunday. See us sitting on the bus bench!

Our friend and “teacher” took us with her. They meet at CAJ – Christian Academy of Japan – where many friends have attended over the years.

We’ve been on a steep learning curve – shopping is most challenging and we’ve purchased several things we didn’t really want!!

Things are more expensive here – we were told all highways are tolled to the tune of about $1/mile. Just taking the bus to church cost us about $15. We hope to find one closer that we can walk to. Walking is the way we get around – all shopping is by foot. We go ‘most every day and carry it all home.


  1. Aside from the bus fare being quite surprisingly expensive for you, this is the reason people don't drive to go too far and will take public transportaions.(and ride a bike if it's close enough) Toll on the highways are expensive and gasoline is too.
    I hope grocery shopping has gotten easier for you by now. You can always google and see the picture of what you're looking for before you pick it?

  2. Roger has gotten good at looking up the translation of what we want and asking the clerks. They're very helpful.
