Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Arrived in Tokyo!

7:30 am Monday – suitcases packed, ready to go – oh, let’s check the weight on this big case – oh, no – 10+ pounds overweight. Quick, get another case. (We didn’t use up more than our allotted number of cases). 8 am Larry and Marilyn are punctual; we didn’t have the traffic issues we expected, so got to the airport plenty early, but Roger’s passport wouldn’t scan. So, we were directed to “special services”. There was no one in line, and 3 friendly attendants got us checked in. We encouraged them to give serious thought to where their last trip would take them. Then, surprise – we both got TSA pre-checked status. No one in line again!
Had good seats, good seat-mate, and good trip with lots of food (2 meals/2 snacks with beverages). The seat-mate was open to spiritual things, too. He took a Gospel of John along. Upon arrival and getting through customs & immigration (finger and eye printed), we bought our bus tickets. Nice bus – cloth seats, seat belts, express route, recliners, heavy curtains to block sun.
Since the bus wasn’t full, we each had a double seat (one of us wasn’t built for the allotted space)! It was 1½ hour trip.
Driving in Tokyo, we saw sights that reminded Heather of Europe – houses squeezed close together in random order; laundry drying on the porches; narrow roads with no shoulders; bikes, people and small shops everywhere.
After arriving at the TEAM guest house, we were served dinner, unpacked and moved in, and then were taken on a long walk to get oriented to shopping. Now we have another hour or so to stay up and then BED!

1 comment:

  1. So nice to read this update and know that you have reached safely!
