Friday, April 26, 2019

Drama, Mail, Wheels & Weather

Last Monday Rita took us to the Christian Academy of Japan’s drama class production. It was a spoof called “Murder at the Orient Express”. The students did very well and we were not able to solve the mystery until the very end!! Lots of humor – Japanese and American! She also took us to a Chinese restaurant where we both ate our fill for about $7.

We just returned from our daily walk to the grocery (& other) stores. Today we went to a new store, a hardware store. However, they didn’t have what Roger was looking for. He’s been asked to put wheels on the large garbage bins that collect garbage until it can get picked up. The mission had one set, but we haven’t been able to find another set. Finding almost everything is hard. However, we found the butter we wanted almost right away, so I guess we’re getting better!

The mail is delivered via motorcycle. He doesn’t turn it off, just puts the kickstand down and hops off and on as needed.

Today is cool and cloudy, but the park is full of kids. We start a Good News Club there on Monday, so we pray for warmer weather. However, we are limited to 15 people; if we have more, we’ll move up to our roof-porch; or if rainy, we’ll invite them into our apartment.


  1. Glad your doing great great there.
    Praying for you both.

  2. Glad your doing great there.
    Praying for you both.

  3. The fact of non-existent theft is really a wonderful thing... does that come out of the "respect" culture that the children are brought up in or is there no tolerance for theft in the law system?

    1. I guess we don't have the answer to that! Haven't been here long enough...
