Tuesday, September 5, 2023

NW AZ to UT - Zion and Bryce Canyon NP

We left our friend Darrell and headed to the NW corner of AZ. Zion National Park, where we were headed was straight north of his place, but the Grand Canyon was in our way. We could skirt it on the east side or west side. Since we covered part of the east side already, we opted for the west side.

On our way, we pulled into a spot to get some pictures of the Joshua trees. A Tesla was stuck there - the Chinese driver ignored all the warnings and ended up losing! Even his phone couldn't be charged from his battery. He walked over to us and asked if we could charge his phone to 20% or so. Roger had the correct cable because he had picked one up in off the ground at a recent fuel stop. We had a Chinese Gospel of John along, which he willing took. We consider this a Divine encounter.

The road was not very good! So far, AZ has had the worst roads of our entire trip. We crossed into NV and traveled the outskirts of Las Vegas. From there we crossed back into AZ for a brief time. However, the landscape was incredible. Towering rocks hugged the road and decorated the roadsides. It was truly a great experience. We arrived in UT, where we spent a night at Walmart.

The next day we drove to Zion National Park. Pictures are totally insufficient.

To get from there to Bryce Canyon National Park, we had to drive through 2 arches and 1 tunnel. The tunnel was only wide enough for us, so traffic was held up at both ends while we drove down the middle of the road for 1.1 miles! Again, pictures do the views an injustice.

We both climbed to the highest point with only 1 stop on the way!

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